Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nicotine may be addictive, but it is the other ingredients that make cigarettes harmful

Cigarettes have many unwanted and unnecessary chemicals and carcinogens. Cigarette smoking has been banned in most public places mainly because of second hand smoke. Smoking can make your clothes smell, your teeth turn color, and shorten your breath. The biggest concern among smokers and their loved ones though is the worry of developing cancer. Cigarettes have been blamed for causing many cases of lung cancer, as well as throat and mouth cancer, and more. Who hasn't seen the recent commercial of the lady who had to have her fingers amputated from being a chronic smoker. While nicotine may be to blame for the addiction, it is the other chemicals and carcinogens in cigarettes that are to blame for many of these other problems smokers face every day.

The American Cancer Society has stated "Although it is nicotine that gets and keeps people addicted to tobacco,other substances in tobacco are responsible for it's cancer causing effects". Smoking has now caused people to feel as though they are "left out", and even shunned by a big part of society that now views smoking as disgusting and intolerable. People who feel that smokers are making the world less fresh and clean, and can't stand the smell or the effects of second hand smoke. People want to be in a clean environment, but is there something that can be done to help these nicotine addicted air and body polluters? How do we help these people regain their health,energy,stamina and even regain control? Even the price of cigarettes now has some people caught in the dilemma of how they will be able to afford their habit. The price of cigarettes seems to be going up all the time, most of the time due to new or rising taxes placed on tobacco products, and in this economy to be addicted to cigarettes also means putting more of a strain on your other spending.

This nicotine addictive habit used to be accepted at bars,restaurants,planes,trains,lounges,offices,stores,airports,hotels,bowling alleys,casinos,and ballparks. Now it is highly unlikely for anyone to be able to light up in any of these places,and in some cases it may even be off limits to able to smoke in your car or even in the place you live. So what are the alternatives?

There are a variety of ways to try to get the smoker, whether it be yourself or a loved one, to try and kick this habit, the hardest of which is probably quitting "cold turkey". Some people have even found hypnosis to be a solution to their addiction. The most popular methods however are likely trying a nicotine substitute, such as "the patch" or nicotine gum. My favorite though is electronic cigarettes . This is new to the USA and can give the smoker the same feeling as smoking a real cigarette. The nicotine cartridge enables the smoker to inhale and exhale as though smoking a regular cigarette, but there are no cancer causing carcinogens and chemicals that you would find in a regular tobacco cigarette, and no harmful second hand smoke for those around you to inhale. Other benefits to these electronic cigarettes also include not stinking up your clothes and not discoloring your teeth.

According to the American Heart Association, there are 25.6 million men and 22.6 million women who are cigarette smokers. Cigarette smoking is the most preventable cause of premature death in the United States and the major single cause of cancer mortality, being responsible for about 87% of lung cancer deaths alone. Only about half of the deaths related to smoking however are from cancer. Smoking is also a major cause of heart disease, aneurysms, bronchitis,emphysema, and stroke, and also makes pneumonia and asthma worse. More than 4,000 different chemicals have been found in tobacco and tobacco smoke, of which at least 60 are known to cause cancer. Nicotine is what makes the basic smoker become addicted, but is not the cause of these illnesses. To become addicted to nicotine likely won't kill you, but to become addicted to cigarettes likely can. It looks like the best way to avoid all the pitfalls of the dependence on cigarettes is to either quit, or to try one of these nicotine alternatives. Most people know how hard it is to quit smoking, but it looks as though the growing number of nicotine alternatives could make this habit a little easier to break, and make us a healthier nation in return.

For more info contact John Bishop at
Green Smoke , now you can smoke without the chemicals or carcinogens of tobacco cigarettes

Green Smoke was founded in 2008 to provide smokers an authentic smoking experience that is less harmful than classic tobacco cigarettes.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Electronic cigarettes? Can this be?

I just came across something very interesting. Believe it or not there is such a thing as electronic cigarettes! What is great about them is they don't contain the carcinogens you would normally get from a regular cigarette, and they are also cheaper! Granted, you need to buy an adapter and batteries, but you can get about 400 drags from one cartridge, and once you buy the charger and "cigarette", all you need to rebuy are the cartridges and occasionally more batteries . They also come in different flavors which is quite intriguing as well. They also have an affiliate program which means you can make some money by selling this awesome product to your friends and relatives. Check it out if you like at Watch the videos, if you have time, they are pretty cool. Hope you like it and let me know what you think.